Looking for information on how to repair your own boards?  Check out Mark's Guide to Williams System 3 through 7 Troubleshooting and Repair!

Williams Pinball Board Repair Services


Pinball Repair Services are offered on the the early Williams Solid State boards.  We only service the listed Williams boards, no Gottlieb, Bally or later Williams Boards are serviced. 

NOTE - I started repairing boards myself after having unfavorable experiences with most of the "major" board repair services.  After wasting large sums of money on "repairs" that resulted in more problems than existed before I sent the boards, I decided to learn how to repair these boards myself.  I started offering repair services a year after this so others wouldn't waste their money on bad repairs.  However, I was overwhelmed with boards and the result was that I wasn't able to return boards in what the board owners considered a "timely" fashion. I returned all boards at my own expense to these owners.  As a result of this, I will not accept any unsolicited board repairs.  You must contact me first and I will let you know the time frame you can expect for your repair (averages about 4 to 6 weeks).  You are not charged until your boards are completed.

I cannot recommend any other board repair services, so please don't ask.

Repair Service is offered on the following games ONLY:

Hot Tip, Lucky Seven, World Cup, Disco Fever, Contact, Phoenix, Pokerino, Flash, Stellar Wars, Tri-Zone, Time Warp, Gorgar, Laser Ball, Firepower, Blackout, Scorpion, Algar, Alien Poker, Black Knight, Jungle Lord, Pharaoh, Solar Fire, Barracora, Time Fantasy, Warlok, Firepower II and Laser Cue.  

We do not repair boards from Hyperball, Defender or Joust.

We also accept boards from the following Williams/United Shuffle Alleys: Topaz, Pompeii, Taurus, King Tut, Omni, Aristocrat, Big Strike and Triple Strike.

Currently we are only accepting MPU boards, Driver boards and Power Supplies for repair.  Sound Cards and Display Drivers are not accepted for repair at this time.  

We also provide ROM burning services. See our ROM burning page for more details!  Mail Orders on ROMS are still welcome!

MPU Boards:

We accept System 3, 4, 6 and 7 boards for repair.  Because of the expense and limited availability of some of the parts on these boards, especially the older System 3 and 4 boards, repair charges may flucuate.

MPU Board Repair Rates:
 - Base repair charge is $65
 - "Scanbe" sockets replacement is an additional $20.
 - If your game requires new ROMs, the charge is $5 per ROM.
 - Firepower MPU boards that require new game ROMs must be modified to use a "combo" ROM.
   The charge is an additional $20 for the modification and new game ROM.
 - For System 3 and 4 boards that require a new 6875 clock chip the charge is an additional $25.

Driver Boards:

Driver boards are repaired at a flat rate of $65.

Power Supply Boards:

Power Supplies are repaired at a flat rate of $65.

How to have your board(s) repaired:

Please email me at: mark@techvantage.net for details on having your boards serviced.

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