Game Restoration - Part 1 December 9, 2001 - Work starts Here is a shot of
the lower playfield where I'll need to do most of the work.
Before starting a project, I usually take a ton of photos of the
machine so I'll be able to put it back right way (don't laugh, its an
invaluable step!). You can see the wear in the middle of the
playfield, plus the wear near the right slingshots. Also notice
on the apron how there is an operator's sticker over what looks like a
black oval covering up the game's name. This is going to lead to
a bit more work later (see below)....f
Here is a close-up of the wear in the middle of the playfield. In this shot you can see that there is Mylar applied over the wear near the Slingshots. I'm hoping that not too much paint will come up with the Mylar.. Here is the upper playfield. Its in decent condition with little wear. The rollover lanes are clean and so are most of the areas in front on the targets. The only significant wear is at the upper right by the post at the upper roll-under. One of the pop-bumper caps has a small chunk out of it, so I'll be looking for a replacement. The first major step is to strip the playfield down. I start by first removing all of the plastics and then take more photos of the playfield from every angle. These photos will be used when putting the posts back on at the end of the process.
The playfield posts will get a couple of go-rounds in the dishwasher to clean them up, and a wiping with Novus 1.
As I said earlier, the playfield apron will be a small challenge. The original operator of the game had applied a decal to the apron with their name and phone numbers. They used about the strongest adhesive I've ever run across!
However if you'll notice they painted over the previous operator's decal with black paint. I figured that a bit of Goof-Off and then Goo-Gone would remove this.... wrong!
What I'm going to
do with the apron is continue to take off all of the decal (and paint)
in the center of the apron. I'll then mask off the sides of the
apron and paint the center a gloss black.
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